Emote Desk
where you can be YOURSELF
Emote Desk, an ultimate platform to holistically improve your emotional, personal & social well-being to lead a meaningful & fulfilling life.
Our mission is to provide a wide range of counselling & training services to empower our clients with necessary emotional fitness & coping skills

We are a team of mental health professionals turned-entrepreneurs with diverse life journeys and individual strengths in different areas of emotional and behavioral therapies.
Our shared desire to make a positive difference in the lives of children and adults emerges from our observations of the multitude of tensions that prevail upon people's mindscapes today. There is a persistent feeling of anxiety, failure and emptiness which grips most people. Questions arising from personal identity, self-esteem and attention disorders are deeply affecting relationships in families, peer groups and work space.
This consequently show up as poor academic and work performance, reckless behavior's, addictions, suicides and anger. Most of it is rooted in a lack of self awareness, and little clarity about personal strengths and advantages.
According to team Emote Desk, just as the problems their paths vary from one individual to another, the solutions to these problems are equally unique. There is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to dealing with human minds.
With right intentions team Emote Desk is i the journey of establishing mental health desk in various organizations that caters to different age groups and profiles, through our diverse program implementation methods like personal and online counselling, life skills training, personality building programs, EQ development workshops etc.
Our core mission is to break the taboo of Emoting and maintaining emotional stability.
Our Services

BEFORE you give up on happiness, relationships or life itself
PLEASE pause and give yourself that last chance
TRUST that we are available.
BELIEVE that you are not alone
Anywhere in the world you may be, connect with our team of counselors and Life Coaches…

#54, 4th Main, Domlur 2nd Stage, Bengaluru- 560071
6360096440, 9886324259, 9448463150